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Afrikanische Union

"UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide.

UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to ensure that the standards are effectively implemented and truly benefit women and girls worldwide. It works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life."

- cf.: Website of UN Women -


Thema A

“Flowing Forward”: Wasser für alle - Nachhaltiger Zugang zu sauberem Wasser und sanitären Anlagen in Afrika


Thema B

Fragmente des Sudans - Die Bewahrung einer gespaltenen Nation


  • Algerien

  • Tschad

  • Ägypten

  • Äthiopien

  • Nigeria

  • Südafrika

  • Sudan (Beobachter)

  • Zentralafrikanische Republik

  • Komoren

  • Äquatorialguinea

  • Kenia

  • Ruanda

  • Südsudan

Weitere Länder, welche zur Wahl stehen, wenn die oben genannten Länder besetzt sind

  • Angola

  • Burkina Faso

  • Côte d’Ivoire / Elfenbeinküste

  • Eritrea

  • Liberia

  • Malawi

  • Marokko

  • Seychellen

  • Tansania

  • Botswana

  • Kamerun

  • Dschibuti

  • Ghana

  • Madagaskar

  • Mali

  • Niger

  • Somalia

  • Uganda

Vanessa Billerey

Vanessa UNW.HEIC

Bryan is 21 years old and studies law at the KU Leuven, Belgium. In September he will start his Masters with a specialization in International & European Law and Criminal Law. At the last conference Bryan attended, he got to experience the dynamic between the countries of the African Union, while also representing an African nation himself. For this reason, he is excited to be chairing the African Union at BIMUN 2023. When he is not studying or doing MUN-related stuff, Bryan loves listening to French rap music, spending time with his friends, or playing a famous car-football game better known as Rocket League!

"I’m looking forward to meeting you all in November!"

Marie Lowette

Marie has participated in numerous conferences worldwide as a delegate, chair, and organizer.
However, this will be her first time experiencing a multilingual committee. She is excited to serve as a chair in this trilingual committee, driven by her interest in languages and her passion for human rights and women empowerment. In her free time, she enjoys theater, music, travelling and going for runs, often with Hamilton soundtracks blasting in her headphones as she navigates the streets of her home city, Bruges. An avid traveler, Marie also loves exploring new cultures and meeting people from around the world.

Marie L UNW.jpeg

Elena-Mari Dorna


José is 23 years old and from Galicia, a land in the northwest of Spain, but he currently lives in Leuven. After getting his Bachelor’s in Journalism, a Master’s in International Studies, and working for the delegation of his regional government in Brussels, José is looking forward to his next challenge. These last years, José has been quite active MUNing, and MUN conferences have become a space he has loved since his very first time attending one. He is very excited for joining as a chair of the African Union, the house of a vibrant and challenging continent such as Africa. Also, its trilingual characteristic offers a great experience for all participants, in José's opinion. What does he do outside MUN? Well, he loves football, music (listening to it, he can’t play any instruments), reading, and playing video games.

“See you at this Bonnbastic Committee!”

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