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Konferenz 2020

Captura de pantalla 2020-03-17 a las 11.

Mit Freude geben wir das Thema der diesjährigen BIMUN/SINUB-Konferenz bekannt:

"75 Years of Uniting Nations: Overcoming Conflict to Achieve Common Goals", anlässlich des 75-jährigen Bestehens der UN am 24. Oktober 2020.


Die Konferenz wird vom 20. bis 22. November aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie in einem digitalen Format stattfinden.




For the Conference Schedule GMT+1 click here.                                                    For the Conference Schedule GMT-5 click here.

For the Press Conference Schedule GMT+1 click here.                                            For the Press Conference Schedule GMT-5 click here.

For the Crisis Conference Schedule GMT+1 click here.                                            For the Crisis Conference Schedule GMT-5 click here.


For the Conference Schedule GMT +3 click here.                                                      For the Conference Schedule GMT-6 click here.

For the Press Conference Schedule GMT+3 click here.                                            For the Press Conference Schedule GMT-6 click here.

For the Crisis Conference Schedule GMT+3 click here.                                            For the Crisis Conference Schedule GMT-6 click here.


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We are very proud to announce our Conference Patron: Sigmar Gabriel. 

Sigmar Gabriel (Vizekanzler, Ministerpräsident und Minister a.D.) held various offices in the course of his political career. Particularly notable are his terms as Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, as the Minister for the Environment, Protection of the Environment and Reactor Security of Germany, as Minister for the Economy and Energy of Germany, as Foreign Minister of Germany, as Vice-Chancellor of Germany and Federal-Chairperson of the Social-Democratic Party of Germany amongst many more.

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