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Reclaiming Potential & Pioneering Peace: Empowerment for Enhanced Global Security




"Underscoring that peace is more than just the absence of war, United Nations officials stressed the need for concerted efforts to achieve the common vision of a life of dignity and well-being for all."



The United Nations, created as an international platform to ensure that the atrocities of the Second World War would never occur again, now enters into its 79th year of operations. Although successful on many occasions, there is still a need to stay critical and question the power dynamics, decision-making, and implementation of established rules of our biggest international organization.



While efforts toward a more just and equal world have been made in recent decades, diverse voices are still heavily underrepresented in decision-making. In global politics, marginalized groups are often spoke about, instead of given their voice. This is the goal of empowerment-enabling marginalized communities and/ or individuals to voice their own opinions. 


As we survey the contemporary global landscape, we can choose to look at it through two distinct lenses. We can see a world of immense insecurity, spreading like a mist, neverending. Or we can see a world of immense insecurity which sparks potential to be reclaimed by pioneers of peace. These pioneers may be women who fight oppression and injustice daily, puttingtheir lives on the line; or they can be peace activists and humanitarians in active war zones, running through hell and high water, saving lives.


They can be climate scientists and activists  working tirelessly on making our world a better place. However, we think there are way more pioneers than meets the eye. A pioneer of peace, we believe is in every one of us, ready to rise to the challenge and bring change to the world. Because even a small change can mean a big difference.


 Come to BIMUN 2024 and awaken your inner pioneer of peace!


Excited to see you in the UN-City of Bonn!

Nov. 22nd - Nov. 26th. 2024

The Secretary Generals

Shari Langner studies Political Science at the University of Hamburg. She was first introduced to MUNing in high school and later rekindled her passion for MUNs in her first year of university. 

Since then, she has participated in various MUNs as delegate, chair and organizer and is elated to now take on the role of Secretary-General. Academically she has always been interested in international relations and international politics.

Outside of MUNs and university work, you can usually find Shari with a book. She's an avid reader, reading mainly fantasy and thrillers, but also enjoying works. If time allows it, Shari also loves sports such as basketball and track and field.

She will work diligently together with your DSG, Patrik, to ensure that you have a great experience! Shari can't wait for November and to see all of you in Bonn! 

Patrik Marcetic is a 2nd year student of International Relations at the University of Ljubljana. He entered the MUN world's black hole a few years ago, at his home conference SALIENT, and has since participated in conferences as a delegate, chair and organizer.

In 2023 he also acted as the Deputy Secretary-General of that conference. In his academic life, he is interested in theories of International Relations, hegemony and ethics.

He loves discussing anything that is remotely international and political and will debate it with anyone. Outside the world of MUN and studying, Patrik is an avid basketball enthusiast a professional basketball referee.

He promises to work tirelessly with your SG,, Shari, to bring you an academically refined and nuanced, but more importantly, a fun and engaging conference.   

Contact Information
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
General Information
Roselina Hamsoro, President 
Moritz Scholz, Vice President
Registered Charity No.: 20 VR 8014


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