
In the Shadows of Berlin: A Cold War Spy Showdown
BIMUN is proud to present a double cabinet Crisis committee at this year’s conference set during the later stages of the Cold War offering a dynamic and challenging simulation, where delegates embody members of intelligence agencies from both sides of the Iron Curtain. This crisis focuses on the intense geopolitical tensions of that time period, focusing on a divided Berlin as the embodiment of the East-West rivalry.
In this committee, participants represent key figures from intelligence agencies such as the CIA, KGB, MI6, and Stasi, tasked with navigating the volatile landscape of espionage, diplomacy, and covert operations. Berlin, a city physically and ideologically split between East and West, serves as the primary battleground. Delegates must contend with the constant threat of defection, sabotage, and misinformation as they work to protect their interests and undermine their opponents. The city's symbolic and strategic importance means that every decision made in Berlin reverberates throughout the global stage, influencing the balance of power between the NATO-aligned West and the Warsaw Pact-controlled East.
As tensions escalate, delegates face a looming threat that endangers the fragile peace, compelling both sides to reconsider their longstanding enmity. Will their deep-seated ideological differences allow them to trust each other? With the stakes higher than ever, the decisions they make could send shockwaves through Berlin and beyond.
Delegates will need to think critically, act decisively, and collaborate strategically as they engage in a high-stakes simulation that captures the tension, intrigue, and uncertainty felt by those that lived through the Cold War. Through their actions, delegates hold the power to reshape history, with the consequences—whether peaceful, hostile or worse—ultimately resting in their hands.
Crisis Director
Stijn Servaes

Stijn graduated as a Master of Business Engineering degree at the KULeuven. During his first year of university, he discovered the MUN world and continues to join conferences even after graduation. For the past few years, he has focused on organising and delegating in crisis committees. The
dynamic aspect of crises and the sense of urgency are amongst the main points as to why he continues to enjoy crises after all these years. BIMUN itself is also loved by him, as this will be his third BIMUN conference. Besides MUN, Stijn has a deep love of (military) history and Asian history due to his Thai heritage. Stijn: "What ifs, uncertainty and building tensions are the core to the crisis experience. I am sure you will enjoy it."
Crisis Backroom
Adriana Lucero-Dorst
Adriana is a bachelor's student at the University of Genoa studying International Relations and is beyond psyched to have this be her first crisis experience! In her free time (outside of MUN's) she likes to hang out with her friends, play video games, go to the beach, and cook. She has been to more than one MUN conference and can't wait to meet everyone.

Fausto Zeevaert

Fausto Zeevaert is a 23 year old history student from KU Leuven. He had been a long term member of KULMUN and now serves in an advisory position to the association. Within his studies he specializes in the history of Belgian foreign policy and European institutional affairs. Fausto has also been active in the Leuven student live, having served in multiple student organisations in Leuven. Now he works for the local student organisation LOKO which represents the students of Leuven at the KU Leuven, the city of Leuven and local police in matters such as education and mental health, next to organising all sorts of events throughout the year. Aside from studying, working and Model United Nations, he enjoys a good session of Dungeons and Dragons with friends and board games.
Miha Persyn
Miha Persyn is a student of international relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. He is half Belgian and half Slovene. Growing up in an international environment allowed him to meet lots of interesting people from all around the world through the work of his parents, something which he continues to do through the world of MUN. He discovered MUN in the last year of high school and fell in love with it as soon as I started. Having already enjoyed Bimun last year as a crisis delegate, he now hopes to elevate the experience even further. This year's Bimun will be his 12th conference and his fourth time chairing.

Crisis Frontroom
Arwin Gorissen

Arwin, a 20-year-old civil engineering student at KU Leuven in Belgium, is driven by a profound interest in technology and the sciences. He is passionate about shaping the future through innovation. His enthusiasm for debating and international politics introduced him to the world of MUN’ing. He thinks back fondly to the experiences he has had defending his countries interests in debates, and his curiosity and dedication have led him to his first chairing position at BIMUN 2024, which he eagerly anticipates. In his free time, Arwin enjoys playing the piano and running in nature. After having lived a fulfilling life, he sees himself retire to a lakeside cabin in the mountains.
Ajša Dobrin
Ajša is a 21-year-old bachelor’s student of International Relations, at the University of Ljubljana. Her first MUN experience was at her home conference SALIENT last year, and this will be her first chairing experience. Academically she is most interested in international criminal law and propaganda. Aside from MUNs she enjoys spending her time with her dog (who she would be very glad to share pictures of) and binge-watching TV shows. She is always ready to discuss her favorite shows or share her new
music finds. During the summer you can also find her deep inside a beautiful cave called Križna jama, where she works as a tour guide. She hopes to use her guiding skills to steer her committee through the twists and turns of a crisis committee—after all, if she can handle subterranean surprises, she can certainly manage diplomatic dramas!

Sonia Carreño
Born and raised in the beautiful city of Salamanca, Sonia is currently studying a Master in International Politics at the KU Leuven. She is started MUNing in MUNUSAL 2018 as a clueless Belgium in the security council. She will later join the MUNUSAL ExCom and eventually become a KULMUN member. A make up enthusiast and a relapsing Glee quoter, she is lovable goofball and the life of every party. Do not mention celebrity endorsement or fashion she will talk for hours about it. She is really exited to be your front room and meet all of you.
Michael Gatt
His name is Michael and he is a 20-year-old law student from Malta. His journey in student activism began with the Mini European Assembly, which he participated in and organized amongst other projects as the Project Lead Coordinator at the National Student Travel Foundation (NSTF). Following this, he has participated in several conferences, simulations, and moot courts, and is the current Secretary-General of MaltMUN. Furthermore, he started doing MUNs in 2022, but in that time has taken part in many MUNs as either delegate, chair or organizer. He has also been involved in several organisations taking up various positions, as well as currently serving as the EU Careers Ambassador for the University of Malta. Apart from Model UN, he enjoys playing and watching football and basketball, as well as several other sports. He is excited to form part of this year’s BIMUN Secretariat, especially in the cut-throat and thrilling crisis committee!