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Lecture Series
Captura de pantalla 2020-03-17 a las 11.

Defensive Democracy in an Age of rising Populism and Extremism

The number of populist movements and extremist ideologies has increased dramatically worldwide in recent years. These developments threaten basic democratic values and challenge the stability of political systems. In our lecture series in the winter semester of 2024/25, we want to examine the mechanisms and strategies that democracies use to defend themselves against these threats. We not only look at historical examples, but also current data and trends to shed light on the relevance and effectiveness of robust democracy in today's world. As part of the lecture series, we will invite speakers from various disciplines, including political science, law, sociology, history and communication studies, to develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and solutions in the context of resilient democracies.


Join us on Wednesdays at 6 PM for thought-provoking presentations in person at the Hörsaal 15 of the University Main Building or online via Zoom.


see below for more details


9th October, 2024 - Zoom  

Introduction to the BIMUN/ SINUB Lecture Series 

Didem Ünüvar and Jan Zühlke

16th October, 2024 - Lecture theatre 15  

Extremism - what is it anyway? Definition, manifestations, criticism and benefits

Prof. Dr Armin Pfahl-Traughber (University of Applied Sciences of the Federation for Public Administration)




23rd October, 2024 - Lecture theatre 15    

Le Pen ante portas? The (un)unstoppable rise of the Rassemblement National

Simon Braun (M.A.) (University of Bonn)



30th October, 2024 - Lecture theatre 15

Resentment and the victim narrative - an ideal breeding ground for populism and extremism?

Dr Evelyn Bokler (University of Münster)



6th November, 2024 - Lecture theatre 15

This nation belongs to you: Ethnonationalism in the Republican Party

Dr Philipp Adorf (University of Bonn)



13th November 2024 - Lecture theatre 15 

Die Bedeutung von Affekt und Visualität in rechtspopulistischen Erzählungen

Dr. Katja Freistein (Senior Researcher and Academic Coordinator of the Fellowship Program at the Academy of International Affairs NRW)


20th November, 2024 - Lecture theatre 15

A comparison of left-wing and right-wing extremist ideologies. Similarities and differences in negative and positive characteristics

Prof. Dr Armin Pfahl-Traughber (University of Applied Sciences of the Federation for Public Administration)



27th November, 2024 - Online Lecture

Right-wing extremism in the immigration society: the Grey Wolves

Dr Hüseyin Cicek (University of Vienna)



4th December, 2024 - Online Lecture

Current developments and challenges in right-wing extremism

Felix Neumann (M.A.) (Konrad Adenauer Foundation)


11th December, 2024 - Online Lecture

Left-wing extremism and defensive democracy in Germany: actions, reactions, interactions

Prof. Dr Tom Mannewitz (University of Applied Sciences of the Federation for Public Administration)



18th December, 2024 - Online Lecture

Extremist and Terror Groups in Nigeria: Implications for Democratic Consolidation

Dr Sofiri Joab-Peterside (University of Port Harcourt)


8th January, 2025 -  Lecture theatre 15

Ungleichwertigkeitsideologien als Herausforderung für die Arbeit mit Jugendlichen: Am Beispiel von Islamismus

Saloua Mohammed (M.A.) (University of Cologne)


15th January, 2025 - Online Lecture

Israel's anti-liberal coalition: Populist and right-wing religious parties in power

Dr Steffen Hagemann (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau)


22nd January, 2025 - Online Lecture

Europe at the Crossroads: Populism, Far-Right and the Future of Democracy

Prof. Dr Selcen Öner (Bahcesehir University)


What is the Lecture Series?
The BIMUN/SINUB e.V. Lecture Series is organised by members of the executive committee of our association. We invite lecturers from different academic and professional backgrounds to share their knowledge and experiences relating to the semester's theme. We want to make current happenings in politics, international affairs, and public policy come alive for students and friends of the University of Bonn.


Time & Location:

Our weekly lecture series takes place on Wednesdays from 18:00h to 19:00h (6 to 7 p.m.) Berlin Time. 

For in-person lectures, join us in Hörsaal XII at the University's Main Building (find a map of the main building here:


You can join our Zoom Meetings for online lectures here:

(Meeting-ID: 897 9668 9490 / Password: 368428)


University Partnership & History:

The BIMUN Lecture Series is part of Studium Universale and a core component of the Certificate of Intercultural Competence program at the University of Bonn. Our program has been going strong since 2005 and has welcomed speakers from across Germany and around the world.


Language of Lectures:

Most of our lectures are held in English, but you will also find some German lectures based on the preference of the speakers.




We are looking forward to welcoming you at our lectures!



For questions or comments, please reach out to



Captura de pantalla 2020-01-10 a las 11.
Captura de pantalla 2020-03-23 a las 19.
Captura de pantalla 2020-03-23 a las 19.
Contact Information
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn
General Information
Roselina Hamsoro, President 
Moritz Scholz, Vice President
Registered Charity No.: 20 VR 8014


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